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Monday, October 31, 2005


It's 4:18.

It's just me and my Baby.....And some Cameras Eye.

I Couldn't have had a better time.

MVP: Paul Daly. He rocked two sets. Worked the door for four hours, and provide the bass rig beyond the call of duty.

I have the best moments of my live rock moment with him and Chris

One would think that I'd give this award to Chris, who also played in two bands, took care of the recording, and put up with my obsession about it all. But he doesn't care......

Actually he cares a great deal, and TEDSTOCK would never have happened without him. So Chris gets the MP3 award.

I got alot more to say, but I had to lay this down at 4:27.

You understand.

I'm wrecked at work for the day, but it was a blast. #12 Rock 'n' Roll Noodle's set was fantastic. Ted, we never knew you were a such a Rockstar!

I REALLY want a recording of Princess Leia of Alderaan. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
So when is the live show going to be released...

I saw the Four Fellows on the AVC site, Those guys rock! I'll be their parents are beeming with pride.

I'm glad the show was a success, Happy Tedstock.
The Noodle was indeed awesome, as was Paul's bass rig, as was Chris's keys for MDot, as was everything else. Sickness kept me from making a real night of it, but I enjoyed what I saw. I will spend the rest of the day thinking up names of awards that everyone deserves.

At this point, I know that George wins Miss Congeniality in a landslide.
Does Betty Ford do outpatient deals?
Aw shucks Tony Alva. Thank you for your very generous assessment. It was nice for me to be able to match a kind face with your provacative repartee. As a very drunk patron once eloquently remarked, "I argue to learn." Please bear in mind that I'm 3 or 4 times more likely to pipe in when I disagree, as opposed to when I agree... which I often do.

As for Tedstock - I wisht I could've been there earlier and stayed later, but alas, the traffic, the hangover and the prospect of another hangover interfered with my best interests. What I saw was sensational. Thumbnail Moon still makes me swoon. On the subject of Thumbnail Moon, a severely intoxicated Kevin Lacey covertly whispered to me that he thinks Ted is a genius. I'll have to agree. Asshole that I am, I stepped out for a slice of pizza towards the end of the Microdot set and missed their Left of the Dial cover which Ted will not let me forget. It was really good pizza, but not that good. Guess I'll have to get it on CD. The Horse was wildly entertaining as usual, especially Monkey Love and that Alice song, which is like tripping but only for 6 or 7 minutes. And to borrow a phrase from Paris Hilton, the Xs "were hot."

Thanks for a great time Ted. You pulled it off something fierce.
Thank you Clarkie, and my thanks to Kevin for the kind words, but I know how drunk he was.
The MP3 award... smaller, and slightly lower quality.
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