Thursday, October 12, 2006

Well, we got our gear out of our now former studio space. I could write a book about this experience, but I'm going to be prudent and refrain from making this entire experience public until any possible litigation has ceased.
Suffice to say that in the three plus weeks that our gear was locked up after the eviction of our 'landlord', it wasn't entirely locked up. Somebody made off with Chris' Juno 106 (w/ special power modification - attention buyers of used gear!), it's stand, and a digital camera.
This got me thinking about insurance. Tony Alva advised me/us (Smoke and Mirrors) to get insurance. This was altogether a rational and wise idea. Unfortunately, I am neither rational nor wise - at least not about money.
I hate insurance companies. I think they are the focal point for the downward spiral of our society, BUT, had Chris and I purchased insurance, there'd be a check on it's way as I type.
I was able to get over my conflicting feelings when I realized there is another way to 'insure' against such disasters; theft, fire, flood, and that Chris was already well on his way to attaining that option:
Never Leave The Studio
I can't argue with you when it comes to insurance companies as far as personal liability goes, but as far as protecting your assets they've always done right by me. I've wrecked two cars and would have been holding my manhood in my hand if not for insurance, and have even had a claim for some ruined studio gear due to water damage. It's cheap ($20-$25 per month for renter's insurance), and "replacement value" is the key term.
Here's what got me off my ass and picked it up: Have an old friend down here who had a huge CD collection of about 1600 discs a few years ago. His swanky apartment was broken into while he was on vacation and it was like the Grinch paid a visit everything was taken. Fortunately, he had renters insurance (his dad busted his chops until he picked it up). While tallying up and inventorying all his missing belongings, he was shocked to discover that the largest portion of the reimbursment by a long shot was for his music collection (north of $24,000 = 1600 x $15).
Both of your's guitar collection is worth the monthly fee. Can't be a better argument.
That totally blows that someone made off with the Juno. i went out on eBay and it looks like it'll take $500 to replace it. I'll keep watching...
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Here's what got me off my ass and picked it up: Have an old friend down here who had a huge CD collection of about 1600 discs a few years ago. His swanky apartment was broken into while he was on vacation and it was like the Grinch paid a visit everything was taken. Fortunately, he had renters insurance (his dad busted his chops until he picked it up). While tallying up and inventorying all his missing belongings, he was shocked to discover that the largest portion of the reimbursment by a long shot was for his music collection (north of $24,000 = 1600 x $15).
Both of your's guitar collection is worth the monthly fee. Can't be a better argument.
That totally blows that someone made off with the Juno. i went out on eBay and it looks like it'll take $500 to replace it. I'll keep watching...