Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My Scorpions tickets arrived in the mail. It's all very exciting.
The last time I saw them was in 1982, at Madison Square Garden, where they opened for Rainbow, and summarily kicked so much ass that they made Rainbow look silly, which, of course, they were, at least by that point. It was a great show, and a memorable night, specially for Tony Alva's brother and his 'Crunch-Mobile'.
At any rate, they aren't playing the Garden this time. They are at the much better sounding, and more intimate Beacon Theater.
Drummer Herman 'the German' Rarebell and bassist Francis Bucholtz are no longer in the band, but as Long as Rudy, Klaus, and Matthias are still around, I'm in.
My Scorpions tickets arrived in the mail. It's all very exciting.
The last time I saw them was in 1982, at Madison Square Garden, where they opened for Rainbow, and summarily kicked so much ass that they made Rainbow look silly, which, of course, they were, at least by that point. It was a great show, and a memorable night, specially for Tony Alva's brother and his 'Crunch-Mobile'.
At any rate, they aren't playing the Garden this time. They are at the much better sounding, and more intimate Beacon Theater.
Drummer Herman 'the German' Rarebell and bassist Francis Bucholtz are no longer in the band, but as Long as Rudy, Klaus, and Matthias are still around, I'm in.
nice post, i saw them during the Blackout tour - Iron Maiden opened. What a show.
That photo in the post, isn't that Ulrich Roth in the picture? He was quite the shredder - Tokyo Tapes is very solid. I'm not sure but I think he was lead guitarist for like 3 or 4 records.
That photo in the post, isn't that Ulrich Roth in the picture? He was quite the shredder - Tokyo Tapes is very solid. I'm not sure but I think he was lead guitarist for like 3 or 4 records.
Yeah, the Blackout tour is what I saw - I'd have rather seen the bill you saw.
Yep, that's Uli, he's on Fly To the Rainbow, In Trance, Virgin Killer, Taken By Force, and the live Tokyo Tapes.
Yep, that's Uli, he's on Fly To the Rainbow, In Trance, Virgin Killer, Taken By Force, and the live Tokyo Tapes.
Oh, I get it.....whatever you say Clarkie, we know your just afraid of the teutonic power that is the Scorpions - afraid of getting rocked like a hurricane, you know like how a hurricane might rock, if it did.....rock that is.....
So, the first time you saw these guys and drove in the "crunchmobile" was that the night my brother left that p.o.s for dead in the city and tried to say it was STOLEN????? After he convinced my folks it was stolen, the NYC police called to say it had been abandoned and towed!!Oh, what a funny story that is!
It wasn't so funny pushing it out of the intersection it chose to die in the middle of - and I'm sure it wasn't funny for those who had to find alternative means to get home. Thankfully I was still a size 27 waist, and P.J. O'Donoghue was able to stuff me in his car.
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