Thursday, March 06, 2008

A while back Stinkrock blogged about movie characters he'd like to be. I commented that I'd like to be Harry Dean Stanton in Repo Man, but I've since reconsidered, and it's gotta be Bill Blazejowski, Michael Keaton's brilliant debut performance in Night shift.
What happened?
He was good in 'Mr. Mom', as well as 'Gung Ho', although he played pretty much the same character.
Then came 'Beetlejuice', and with his over the top and forced delivery came enormous praise, fame, and a complete 180.
Mike wanted to be taken seriously as an actor I guess. What a shame.
Nothing Michael Keaton has done since Night shift comes anywhere near that watermark.
Bill Blazejowski, simply put, cannot be topped.
Ironically, the funniest line in the movie was not his.
"Barney Rubble, what an actor!" was delivered by Bobby Di Cicco as 'Leonard'.

A while back Stinkrock blogged about movie characters he'd like to be. I commented that I'd like to be Harry Dean Stanton in Repo Man, but I've since reconsidered, and it's gotta be Bill Blazejowski, Michael Keaton's brilliant debut performance in Night shift.
What happened?
He was good in 'Mr. Mom', as well as 'Gung Ho', although he played pretty much the same character.
Then came 'Beetlejuice', and with his over the top and forced delivery came enormous praise, fame, and a complete 180.
Mike wanted to be taken seriously as an actor I guess. What a shame.
Nothing Michael Keaton has done since Night shift comes anywhere near that watermark.
Bill Blazejowski, simply put, cannot be topped.
Ironically, the funniest line in the movie was not his.
"Barney Rubble, what an actor!" was delivered by Bobby Di Cicco as 'Leonard'.
Alright, let's break down "Prostitution". OK, "pros", you guys are pros, "tion" as in "shun" your body. Hmm, that one doesn't belong..."
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