Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Dinosaurs on the Ark?
What irritates me so is rhetoric like this:
"Evolutionists have certain beliefs about the past/present that they presuppose, e.g. no God (or at least none who performed acts of special creation), so they build a different way of thinking to interpret the evidence of the present."
The tactic used here is to paint those of us who use reason to guide our belief systems as godless, or anti-god.
Jackson is not anti-god, though it would not be unreasonable for someone who reads this blog to assume that I am. So, for the record; I believe in god. It's just that I think that those who profess to know god, speak for god, and tell me what I should believe about god are full of crap.
Again; to quote noted scholar of humanity, Chan Chandler, "I got no problem with Jesus, it's his fan club I got a problem with."
The creationists use this ruse much the same way the Bushies use the 'with us, or against us' ploy. It's an old game, it's plays on prejudices, it's divisive, and does no service to the human race.
Turning the tables on Ken Ham; here's my defense when asked why I think the Bible is more fairy tale than fact:
Why can't evolution be the tool with which god created the universe?
Of course Ken and his gang would be incapable of responding. It would put him out of a job.
"Why can't evolution be the tool with which god created the universe?"
Well said.
I can't even read that ID creationist shit anymore. It's just too far off the chain to even be worthy of comment. Only douchebags like this can take an inpiration quote from the brightest of the bright at NASA and turn it into some veiled attack on their warped belief system. They have no idea how much they look like the flat earthers of the past.
Well said.
I can't even read that ID creationist shit anymore. It's just too far off the chain to even be worthy of comment. Only douchebags like this can take an inpiration quote from the brightest of the bright at NASA and turn it into some veiled attack on their warped belief system. They have no idea how much they look like the flat earthers of the past.
"Evolutionists have certain beliefs about the past/present that they presuppose, e.g. no God ..."
WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! I stopped reading right there. That's what I do when I see bullshit. I have no patience for it. My time is too valuable to waste on bullshit.
"Why can't evolution be the tool with which god created the universe?"
It's interesting that the 3 of us came to believe this separately.
WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! I stopped reading right there. That's what I do when I see bullshit. I have no patience for it. My time is too valuable to waste on bullshit.
"Why can't evolution be the tool with which god created the universe?"
It's interesting that the 3 of us came to believe this separately.
"fan club"? Frankly, this is a statement from someone who could only be looking to get a rouse; not to find answers and it's questionable as to what truths they're really looking.
Looking to get a rouse? Maybe, not sure what a rouse is, I'll get back to ya.
Not sure what truths are really looking either, truths often aren't looking. They never listen eithet.
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Not sure what truths are really looking either, truths often aren't looking. They never listen eithet.