Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Rose Live Music hosted the return of Microdot opening for Via Skyway tonight. It was great to see Microdot playing again, specially with Dr. Rob Machold back behind the kit in the Microdot line-up. Their set included fan faves such as 'X-Ray', 'Map of the Ancient World', and 'Biltmore Clock', and they even tossed in a 'new' tune, the name of which I forget. but I dug it.
Via Skyway wound their way through seven mind bending and dynamic Vitray classics, as well as a Sterolab cover. The eight piece band barely fit on the tiny stage at Rose Live Music, but they delivered the goods, acquitted themselves well, and had a jolly good time doing so.
Both bands should gig more often.
There were actually three new songs in there - Corkscrew, Dive and Recover and Prison Cake (featuring the Michael Schenker moment).
Playing on that stage was like performing on the balance beam. It was tiny!
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Playing on that stage was like performing on the balance beam. It was tiny!