Thursday, August 07, 2008

Well, Favre it is.
It'll be interesting. Coles and Cotchery will have to do some adjusting, like running patterns longer than ten yards, and handling passes coming in with a bit more velocity.
I suppose Kellen Clemmens will benefit from backing up Favre for a season. Brett is the polar opposite of Chad. Arm strength aside, Favre plays gut based ball, whereas Chad was all grey matter. If Kellen can take away lessons from both, he may develop into the franchise man the Jets need.
And what of Chad? It's common knowledge that I hold him in high regard. The word on the street is that he'll end up in Miami, which makes sense in that he was a Parcells prospect back when Tuna was coaching the Jets.
I can't get behind the Dolphins for divisional reasons, but I hope Chad finds a home where he can prove himself and get some respect.
Right now I'm flipping between the Jets/Browns and Saints/Cardinals pre-season games. Pre-season gives you a chance to see the new guys, get a feel for the team, but the inconsequential nature of the games keeps me from investing too much into it all.
Brett Favre was awesome in both pre-season games.
i am working on getting tix to the pats game. can't go myself but you may be the beneficiary
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i am working on getting tix to the pats game. can't go myself but you may be the beneficiary